POLARIS SPRING SALES $1,500 3.99% EVENT REBATES UP TO FINANCING LOW AS APR FOR 36 MONTHS VISIT POLARIS.COM FOR MORE OFFERS ADVENTURE ATV 5801 HWY 45 ALT. SOUTH WEST POINT, MS 662-494-5462 POLARIS Offers vary by model and are subject to availability. Rebale and finaning offers valid on Sellect 2015-2019 tew and unregistered Polaris RZRB, RANGERE, Sportsmane, GENERAL, and ACEO modells purchased betwee3//19-430/19, bot availbility of the offlers and the oti terms ngyaybyState. soseeyo lo alan ed deal for complete detais Rates as lowas 3 99% APR tor 36 months Exa ples of thy p ests earedo era month term at a 3 99% APR at S2952 $1000 f a etand witamonth term ata699% PR ale$19 80 per $1.000 t ar d Anex pieda miy payent wit oo n o tatea APR !399% APR t 3 ont satan! PofS12 6 9 s$374 87m totalcost of bo 0 ingofS195 27 rt at alot pa on o S13495 27 Do pay ert ay e re red 0ter financ n offers ay be a al ble ee y urlo aldelerlor d tils Mini Mont Financed $1,500, Ma rum Amont F andS0 000ter quallat ons a dre i insmaya y Fin ongpeo tio svoid t ep hitted Stelio se,and station are separate and may not be finanoed Promotion may be modified or discontinued without notice at any time in Polais' sole discretion WARNNG:Polarsotl road ehicles can be harandous tooperate and are not inended for on-road use Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid drivers license to operate. Passengers, i permited must be at least 12 years old. Allriders should always wear helmets, eye protection, and protectlive clothing Always use seat belts and cab nets or doors (as equipped)Never engage in stunt driving,and avold exessive speeds and sharp t ms, Riding ad alchol drugsden't m . Allriders should take a stey tranng corse Cal 3423064 1 raditonal fornanonOeck local laws belore idingontrails e2019 Pola s rastes Inc. POLARIS SPRING SALES $1,500 3.99 % EVENT REBATES UP TO FINANCING LOW AS APR FOR 36 MONTHS VISIT POLARIS.COM FOR MORE OFFERS ADVENTURE ATV 5801 HWY 45 ALT. SOUTH WEST POINT, MS 662-494-5462 POLARIS Offers vary by model and are subject to availability. Rebale and finaning offers valid on Sellect 2015-2019 tew and unregistered Polaris RZRB, RANGERE, Sportsmane, GENERAL, and ACEO modells purchased betwee3//19-430/19, bot availbility of the offlers and the oti terms ngyaybyState . soseeyo lo alan ed deal for complete detais Rates as lowas 3 99 % APR tor 36 months Exa ples of thy p ests earedo era month term at a 3 99 % APR at S2952 $ 1000 f a etand wita month term ata699 % PR ale $ 19 80 per $ 1.000 t ar d Anex pieda miy payent wit oo n o tatea APR ! 399 % APR t 3 ont satan ! PofS12 6 9 s $ 374 87m totalcost of bo 0 ingofS195 27 rt at alot pa on o S13495 27 Do pay ert ay e re red 0ter financ n offers ay be a al ble ee y urlo aldelerlor d tils Mini Mont Financed $ 1,500 , Ma rum Amont F andS0 000ter quallat ons a dre i insmaya y Fin ongpeo tio svoid t ep hitted Stelio se , and station are separate and may not be finanoed Promotion may be modified or discontinued without notice at any time in Polais' sole discretion WARNNG:Polarsotl road ehicles can be harandous tooperate and are not inended for on-road use Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid drivers license to operate. Passengers, i permited must be at least 12 years old. Allriders should always wear helmets, eye protection, and protectlive clothing Always use seat belts and cab nets or doors (as equipped)Never engage in stunt driving,and avold exessive speeds and sharp t ms , Riding ad alchol drugsden't m . Allriders should take a stey tranng corse Cal 3423064 1 raditonal fornanonOeck local laws belore idingontrails e2019 Pola s rastes Inc.