Sloam Water 2019 Drinking Water Quality Report Ismy water safet Laat year an in yean pat, your tap water met al US. Environment Protection Agency and Mspo Ste Department of Heh aning wer standards. This portaa oshot of last years water qualty Included are detals about where your water comes hom, what containa and how t compares to standards set by regutory agencies. ae comited te roviding the best information about the quty of your dinking water btocontaminntsindngwter than the generpopulaion have undergone organ anplants, peop HeVIADS or hermune ystem dorder, some deyand tants can be particuary at ro for intections These people should sek adce about EPACenters for Disease ContrCOidenes on he k of intection by merobal contamnants aale tom the Se Dring wer Hoine at 1002 Owter comes ton derent wels Par dra tom e . Gordo and Man Agutes ontmints urce w ment isalableon ret Ding water, including bottedwter, may reonably be epected to contain at least umalt amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contamnarti does not necesnarily indicate thet water poses aheath ria More intomanion about conaminants and potenta heam efects can be ooaned by caling the Environmenta Protection Agency's Sate Dring Wer Hotire at 1-00-4-4r01 How canget ivolved Our board members meet the nd Monday of every monthat00 pmtthe Soam Water Ofice. Our meeting is e 1Monday nAn The eact time and place be pred on your water bi Thie isa very impotart meeting nd we encourage a of our menbers t amend Contact nformatin Havey Cummings- Conted Operator PO. Box 224 Yt Point, MS one be2-44-1as2 fax -04-03 CHLORINE We Pws our wale Low Hignjare vo Date 100 100 20N 120 130 Beasiey easey 100 L00 Gate Pine Bu UnaMudon 120 1300 120 120 120 20 N 1300 120 120 120 2019 N Typical Source: Wter addiive used to oontrol miorobes. There in convincing evidence that ton ofa dsenectantneceary lor control af miorobial cortaminanta NITRATENTRATE Wel Beasley easy Gate Pne Unadon Pws IDE MCLO MCL Your Water Volation Sanpe D Feb No 1300 10 01 No 10 10 10 Typical Source: Runot trom fertila se leaching tom septic tanks and sewage. Eosion of Feb No Feb- No Feb-19 1300s 10 01 130017 01 10 dpo LEAD PWS ID MCLOG MCL Sampe D No Your Water Volaton Boasey ey Gatest Pne Bu Unaudon Tpical Source Comosion of hounahold plumbing nyatema. Erosion of naturai depositi. 0.001 15 0.001 No Sep-14 130017 15 No Sep-17 No Sep 17 15 COPPER PWS ID MCLO MCL 13 Your Water Volaton Sanpie D Beaiey easy Gates Orn Pe UnaMadon Typical Source Conosion of hounehoid plumbing syema. Foson of natu deposit 13 20 No Sep14 13 13 00 No Sep 14 t3 13 13 No Sep 17 1300 13 No Sep 17 We Beasiey beasiy Gateson Pne Unaton typical Source Road sat, waterement heals tertenen and seage offuer ws D MOL 1300 250 00 13001s 250.000 130017 250.000 130023 250 000 Your Water Volaton Sampie De 0.000-170.000 No 2019 160.000 H0.000 D1.000-4.000 2010 No 20 No No 2019 Adtonal ndormation on Lead present, eevited levels of lead can cuse serious heath problens, especialy for pregnant women and young chidren. Lead in drining water a primerily tom materian and componenta nsociated th service ines and home plunbing. Sioam Waner Association a renponsibe for providing high qality avng wane. but cavot coreol e vriety of maners ed in umbing comporens When your water han been sing for severs houn you can minimie the potenta for lead espoture by fahing your tao water tor 30 seconds to 2 minutes before uing water for drking and cooking Fyou re concerned about leadin your water. you may wh so have your water tasted infomation on adndng water eting methods and eos you can ake tomme exposureis valable hombe Sate Drioking er otine or at httopaatsateread. The Masinsippi Bate Department of Heath Public Heath Laboratory ofers lead tenting tor $10.00 per ample. Pleane cortact 01-5PS824 you wih he yor waer tested. Term PPM PPI MCL Maximum Contaminant Lavel Delntion parts per milion or miga perrg parta per bilion, or micrograme per iter lug The highest level of a contamahat aowed in ding water MCLe dose tohe MCL te ung hebest lle etment lechockogy MCLG Mamum Contaminant Level Goa The level of a contaminant in drinng water below which thee ano known or epected ris heah MCLGs alow for a margin ot satety A ed process nded oedice he level l acontaminantin ang wer TTeae teche The concentton ota contaminant wih teceeded, ngoers taent or oher uiements which awater ytem must lolow AL- Action Lavel The concentration of a contaminant which teceeded, iggers ament or other reuementsoh water stem mu tolow MROLO Mamum Resu Disintectan Level The vel ofa ing woer disntec belo Goal whch herenooen orepected rea health MCLGa do not refect the benetta of the ue of disintectarns to control micobial oonamnants MROL Manimum Resd Dtectart Level The tghest ieve ot a dte aoen rng water Theres connong derce hat dsintectant neoesiary tor contr of oroba contaninant Sloam Water 2019 Drinking Water Quality Report Ismy water safet Laat year an in yean pat, your tap water met al US. Environment Protection Agency and Mspo Ste Department of Heh aning wer standards. This portaa oshot of last years water qualty Included are detals about where your water comes hom, what containa and how t compares to standards set by regutory agencies. ae comited te roviding the best information about the quty of your dinking water btocontaminntsindngwter than the generpopulaion have undergone organ anplants, peop HeVIADS or hermune ystem dorder, some deyand tants can be particuary at ro for intections These people should sek adce about EPACenters for Disease ContrCOidenes on he k of intection by merobal contamnants aale tom the Se Dring wer Hoine at 1002 Owter comes ton derent wels Par dra tom e . Gordo and Man Agutes ontmints urce w ment isalableon ret Ding water, including bottedwter, may reonably be epected to contain at least umalt amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contamnarti does not necesnarily indicate thet water poses aheath ria More intomanion about conaminants and potenta heam efects can be ooaned by caling the Environmenta Protection Agency's Sate Dring Wer Hotire at 1-00-4-4r01 How canget ivolved Our board members meet the nd Monday of every monthat00 pmtthe Soam Water Ofice. Our meeting is e 1Monday nAn The eact time and place be pred on your water bi Thie isa very impotart meeting nd we encourage a of our menbers t amend Contact nformatin Havey Cummings- Conted Operator PO. Box 224 Yt Point, MS one be2-44-1as2 fax -04-03 CHLORINE We Pws our wale Low Hignjare vo Date 100 100 20N 120 130 Beasiey easey 100 L00 Gate Pine Bu UnaMudon 120 1300 120 120 120 20 N 1300 120 120 120 2019 N Typical Source: Wter addiive used to oontrol miorobes. There in convincing evidence that ton ofa dsenectantneceary lor control af miorobial cortaminanta NITRATENTRATE Wel Beasley easy Gate Pne Unadon Pws IDE MCLO MCL Your Water Volation Sanpe D Feb No 1300 10 01 No 10 10 10 Typical Source: Runot trom fertila se leaching tom septic tanks and sewage. Eosion of Feb No Feb- No Feb-19 1300s 10 01 130017 01 10 dpo LEAD PWS ID MCLOG MCL Sampe D No Your Water Volaton Boasey ey Gatest Pne Bu Unaudon Tpical Source Comosion of hounahold plumbing nyatema. Erosion of naturai depositi. 0.001 15 0.001 No Sep-14 130017 15 No Sep-17 No Sep 17 15 COPPER PWS ID MCLO MCL 13 Your Water Volaton Sanpie D Beaiey easy Gates Orn Pe UnaMadon Typical Source Conosion of hounehoid plumbing syema. Foson of natu deposit 13 20 No Sep14 13 13 00 No Sep 14 t3 13 13 No Sep 17 1300 13 No Sep 17 We Beasiey beasiy Gateson Pne Unaton typical Source Road sat, waterement heals tertenen and seage offuer ws D MOL 1300 250 00 13001s 250.000 130017 250.000 130023 250 000 Your Water Volaton Sampie De 0.000-170.000 No 2019 160.000 H0.000 D1.000-4.000 2010 No 20 No No 2019 Adtonal ndormation on Lead present, eevited levels of lead can cuse serious heath problens, especialy for pregnant women and young chidren. Lead in drining water a primerily tom materian and componenta nsociated th service ines and home plunbing. Sioam Waner Association a renponsibe for providing high qality avng wane. but cavot coreol e vriety of maners ed in umbing comporens When your water han been sing for severs houn you can minimie the potenta for lead espoture by fahing your tao water tor 30 seconds to 2 minutes before uing water for drking and cooking Fyou re concerned about leadin your water. you may wh so have your water tasted infomation on adndng water eting methods and eos you can ake tomme exposureis valable hombe Sate Drioking er otine or at httopaatsateread. The Masinsippi Bate Department of Heath Public Heath Laboratory ofers lead tenting tor $10.00 per ample. Pleane cortact 01-5PS824 you wih he yor waer tested. Term PPM PPI MCL Maximum Contaminant Lavel Delntion parts per milion or miga perrg parta per bilion, or micrograme per iter lug The highest level of a contamahat aowed in ding water MCLe dose tohe MCL te ung hebest lle etment lechockogy MCLG Mamum Contaminant Level Goa The level of a contaminant in drinng water below which thee ano known or epected ris heah MCLGs alow for a margin ot satety A ed process nded oedice he level l acontaminantin ang wer TTeae teche The concentton ota contaminant wih teceeded, ngoers taent or oher uiements which awater ytem must lolow AL- Action Lavel The concentration of a contaminant which teceeded, iggers ament or other reuementsoh water stem mu tolow MROLO Mamum Resu Disintectan Level The vel ofa ing woer disntec belo Goal whch herenooen orepected rea health MCLGa do not refect the benetta of the ue of disintectarns to control micobial oonamnants MROL Manimum Resd Dtectart Level The tghest ieve ot a dte aoen rng water Theres connong derce hat dsintectant neoesiary tor contr of oroba contaninant