2019 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report Sun Creek Water Association. Inc. PWSI: 0130003 April 2020 w piesed to pt yhis ya a Quity e Reot. Th mpert Oged tom yubo te aety and sanicewdever to you ery day Our contart goaat prode you wth ate and depencable Scply of diing water. W ant you b undentand the eorts we me to coronaly moro he wat ent proces nd preoi ourwter ourcs. W Commmed nng theaty of your te Eyou taany utone about tmoot ar concening jour wte utits pleane contact uther Sornger at 1a Wewart ved aton to beomed he you wolem moe pe anndy aour y schedt mting. They a hed on the tond ofhmo di n C Ofice ing Ou water sou ton vols draing tom the Gordo Fomation and futa fomation Agutes The souce ater aneanet han r of contaminon. Apot contaning artaled intumation on how the Scetoity dmatons we mhed to our puble e sytemnd lte oreng pon t The e toe Sun Ck W Asooton ha d moder SuOpby anga contamination fas te utety montor tor Contamnants in your aing water accoding to federal and Sate n. Thie tabie bebe la al te ong wer connts e de during he penod of raybecerbe 31 hamehee montong wantqued n20, neaefecn the nost oent uta Aswat ve erheurtace of andorundgound t dwo tly bng end none cm docvet d can pveanom totamnart tom he preterce danasor tonihun any niosbal cotanina ch vin and bacra, tat may come ton g it plan sotie en agroutrvetook coetons and wdie norgane contanant, uch an sat and meta, whch can benatuly uing o fon utan n unot indua o domeste watte dischaes and pa poducton ng or tamng peticdes and herticidm hch may come toma varety of soures suchagioutut uban stom-t uand a g demcal cortan ncudng a nd v aheica chabrpodf no poces and petrdeum poduction, and can ao come tom p ors and ptc nysteme radioactive contanina which can bety ong o be trofd ge prodcton ndg avites norr to e e A prosorbee guaona tut nt the amount of catan cortamina povded by public aty Advkng a nodng boedng te y beonely epto cortan let Salaotsof sone contama. mpertart nener tur e pranceof tee ontanants dos necay ndcate erhewate pos a hem r aie youindray temsand atbwitona you migt nat be tnar. hep yo beundantand te me pded hlondton Ao Le e conceouton ta cotat hen fed, o eo oter t ty mat tolo Tetment chge - Aatnantchea mgued proona intended tomdor the l tacontamnant in deing Mainum Contenar M he Mainn Ar MGUeget level of a sotant hat dig wae MO taso M Moimum CortaninenteGo MOLG-the MOLO Cortaminat ng a below shch the ron or especed a to e MOLOon amgn y l dvaogs ht addonfadaintctartanecetary to cors noobal cortaninw Mainum fesid Dontictent Leel Goe OLG -e leel of a drang water dtectant belo whch thea re knoen or cd o hath MPOLe dnot tect the benlts a he ofdenlectants cota icota contaninant Test Results Contamna voon MGLO MA y Souce of Contamination Level Range of YN Colected Deected Deec or Measurement of Samplos Expeedng MOLIACC Inorganic Contaminants LArsenic 34 17-34 20 10Eon ot oepositsnunot rom orchand runot hom glass and electionice [poduction wases 2 Decharge of driing wastes echage trom metal ineres eosion of ntu dep 100 Diecharge tom eel and pup erosion of natur Deposts 0. Barlum N 201 0.13 9 .1326 pom 13. Chromum N 24 12-26 100 14. Copper N 2017 20a 07 Opom 13 AL Corosion of household plumbing syema erosion ofnatural deposts eaching towood Dservalived 4Erosion of natu Deposits water adseve whh promoes ong leen decharg hom terer and aluminum tactores Comsion of Nousehod plumbng ystem eron of natural deposit 16. Fluoride N ES97-157 Ippm Lead 201 21 SeleniumN 20e 34 No Range s0 Dscharge tom perolem and me finere of natual posits discharge trom mines Disintection By Products 20 4NNRange Byorodut of Oing water thiorinaton MROL Wer adive used 100control mioobes Chiorine 209 1346- 205 Mgt Unregulated Contaminants Sodium PPD NONE NONE Road Sat Wter Treament Chemicals We Sohenes and Bwaga Eent 20n0 20000 230000 "Most ecent sampl. Ne Sample mgued for 201a. rntem had no contamnart voatons. WN aud tat your ding water meet orod Fer A you can by nd eh ougharMontang and tngtat come cortaants fan been dacted howve te enet your wteSEe nts onmonty ongmontong ndotor novting wgin to bacioogca unging at scompte ng O tes tayng mqud to montor yord teornot oa ang towedtom pet ar iorthend prrt, td of ii ply to nd comporerts dedw pidnggh ty avng wer bt caver contl me vary of edn pluroing conponerts Wher your wer ha ben mpcialy for pregnant wone ind home Pumbng Ourotionapore dyoung child. Leadn diing for driingor cooking y conceme o your wte S Drng der Hotinethtp ew. poteled The Mapo S Cepartnert of Heh Pic Hh Labortory ofen lead ng P contact daI S yowto hve yo e Noun of ong watenstpota contmaton by stlarcen ly og a nade e sbetancn can be mosb, nognir ogan chenican and adote stnon ng ite ncng boed wate. May orutly be epededo contant t inal amourt of some cortaminart The Pnce dct tarposa he ostmtonbotcotaniaand potentestetect ca Eoeta Aye Dn W H 100 NA. Some paple May be more wrerabe t Contaminaten in ding wter than the gerer poputon Inu peoni wth canc undergong hentes peore wh e de ede ndtcn be panoay on ecton These pepe contaminants recmnaty ottaned by caing e sponised paorauch Sergone ogan tapiart pephHADS e innue kavce tot dng Chpenidan ande moologica contanisi efo fe The Sun Dk War nooton, inc wota aound the cock to Provide andppy too tomeswthaproenor compla talur oatoman protct orwter Sou hch teheatr Community or of e and o hs A tywderrytap. The Dren and a 2019 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report Sun Creek Water Association. Inc. PWSI: 0130003 April 2020 w piesed to pt yhis ya a Quity e Reot. Th mpert Oged tom yubo te aety and sanicewdever to you ery day Our contart goaat prode you wth ate and depencable Scply of diing water. W ant you b undentand the eorts we me to coronaly moro he wat ent proces nd preoi ourwter ourcs. W Commmed nng theaty of your te Eyou taany utone about tmoot ar concening jour wte utits pleane contact uther Sornger at 1a Wewart ved aton to beomed he you wolem moe pe anndy aour y schedt mting. They a hed on the tond ofhmo di n C Ofice ing Ou water sou ton vols draing tom the Gordo Fomation and futa fomation Agutes The souce ater aneanet han r of contaminon. Apot contaning artaled intumation on how the Scetoity dmatons we mhed to our puble e sytemnd lte oreng pon t The e toe Sun Ck W Asooton ha d moder SuOpby anga contamination fas te utety montor tor Contamnants in your aing water accoding to federal and Sate n. Thie tabie bebe la al te ong wer connts e de during he penod of raybecerbe 31 hamehee montong wantqued n20, neaefecn the nost oent uta Aswat ve erheurtace of andorundgound t dwo tly bng end none cm docvet d can pveanom totamnart tom he preterce danasor tonihun any niosbal cotanina ch vin and bacra, tat may come ton g it plan sotie en agroutrvetook coetons and wdie norgane contanant, uch an sat and meta, whch can benatuly uing o fon utan n unot indua o domeste watte dischaes and pa poducton ng or tamng peticdes and herticidm hch may come toma varety of soures suchagioutut uban stom-t uand a g demcal cortan ncudng a nd v aheica chabrpodf no poces and petrdeum poduction, and can ao come tom p ors and ptc nysteme radioactive contanina which can bety ong o be trofd ge prodcton ndg avites norr to e e A prosorbee guaona tut nt the amount of catan cortamina povded by public aty Advkng a nodng boedng te y beonely epto cortan let Salaotsof sone contama. mpertart nener tur e pranceof tee ontanants dos necay ndcate erhewate pos a hem r aie youindray temsand atbwitona you migt nat be tnar. hep yo beundantand te me pded hlondton Ao Le e conceouton ta cotat hen fed, o eo oter t ty mat tolo Tetment chge - Aatnantchea mgued proona intended tomdor the l tacontamnant in deing Mainum Contenar M he Mainn Ar MGUeget level of a sotant hat dig wae MO taso M Moimum CortaninenteGo MOLG-the MOLO Cortaminat ng a below shch the ron or especed a to e MOLOon amgn y l dvaogs ht addonfadaintctartanecetary to cors noobal cortaninw Mainum fesid Dontictent Leel Goe OLG -e leel of a drang water dtectant belo whch thea re knoen or cd o hath MPOLe dnot tect the benlts a he ofdenlectants cota icota contaninant Test Results Contamna voon MGLO MA y Souce of Contamination Level Range of YN Colected Deected Deec or Measurement of Samplos Expeedng MOLIACC Inorganic Contaminants LArsenic 34 17-34 20 10Eon ot oepositsnunot rom orchand runot hom glass and electionice [poduction wases 2 Decharge of driing wastes echage trom metal ineres eosion of ntu dep 100 Diecharge tom eel and pup erosion of natur Deposts 0. Barlum N 201 0.13 9 .1326 pom 13. Chromum N 24 12-26 100 14. Copper N 2017 20a 07 Opom 13 AL Corosion of household plumbing syema erosion ofnatural deposts eaching towood Dservalived 4Erosion of natu Deposits water adseve whh promoes ong leen decharg hom terer and aluminum tactores Comsion of Nousehod plumbng ystem eron of natural deposit 16. Fluoride N ES97-157 Ippm Lead 201 21 SeleniumN 20e 34 No Range s0 Dscharge tom perolem and me finere of natual posits discharge trom mines Disintection By Products 20 4NNRange Byorodut of Oing water thiorinaton MROL Wer adive used 100control mioobes Chiorine 209 1346- 205 Mgt Unregulated Contaminants Sodium PPD NONE NONE Road Sat Wter Treament Chemicals We Sohenes and Bwaga Eent 20n0 20000 230000 "Most ecent sampl. Ne Sample mgued for 201a. rntem had no contamnart voatons. WN aud tat your ding water meet orod Fer A you can by nd eh ougharMontang and tngtat come cortaants fan been dacted howve te enet your wteSEe nts onmonty ongmontong ndotor novting wgin to bacioogca unging at scompte ng O tes tayng mqud to montor yord teornot oa ang towedtom pet ar iorthend prrt, td of ii ply to nd comporerts dedw pidnggh ty avng wer bt caver contl me vary of edn pluroing conponerts Wher your wer ha ben mpcialy for pregnant wone ind home Pumbng Ourotionapore dyoung child. Leadn diing for driingor cooking y conceme o your wte S Drng der Hotinethtp ew. poteled The Mapo S Cepartnert of Heh Pic Hh Labortory ofen lead ng P contact daI S yowto hve yo e Noun of ong watenstpota contmaton by stlarcen ly og a nade e sbetancn can be mosb, nognir ogan chenican and adote stnon ng ite ncng boed wate. May orutly be epededo contant t inal amourt of some cortaminart The Pnce dct tarposa he ostmtonbotcotaniaand potentestetect ca Eoeta Aye Dn W H 100 NA. Some paple May be more wrerabe t Contaminaten in ding wter than the gerer poputon Inu peoni wth canc undergong hentes peore wh e de ede ndtcn be panoay on ecton These pepe contaminants recmnaty ottaned by caing e sponised paorauch Sergone ogan tapiart pephHADS e innue kavce tot dng Chpenidan ande moologica contanisi efo fe The Sun Dk War nooton, inc wota aound the cock to Provide andppy too tomeswthaproenor compla talur oatoman protct orwter Sou hch teheatr Community or of e and o hs A tywderrytap. The Dren and a